Thursday, May 26, 2022

winged vampire battle report and omake 7

 Mosquito central, this is mosquito one, I have acquired primary target, I say again have acquired primary target!

Mosquito patrol this is no drill, standby to receive coordinates of primary target from mosquito one

Mosquito central, here are my  coordinates, starting my attack run now.

Mosquito one, take care. Intelligence suggests primary target is armoured,

Mosquito central, I have deployed the trouser-piercing spear tips, have reached the target objective... that's a hit!

Mosquito central, this is Mosquito three standing by.

Mosquito three, take Mosquitos five and six and make an attack run on the target's ankle areas

Mosquito five, that's a roger, Mosquito central.

Mosquito central, this is Mosquito twelve, making an attack run on the target's wrist.... I got it! I got.... 


Mosquito twelve, this is mosquito central, come in.... Mosquito twelve, come in.... ok, lads, regroup for another attack, we must conclude we have lost twelve.... 

In other words Simon asked me to supervise him and Sam clearing part of the garden and every mosquito in Christendom descended on me. I ended up with 17 bites on my ankles, 3 on my wrist, which was the one I flattened, and seven or eight on my thighs and buttocks despite thick tracksuit trousers,  Result, fever and distinct lightheadedness, but hoping I've slept it off. 

Omake # 7 


“The key to balance in Europe to prevent more wars is to make sure that Spain, France, England and the Netherlands have an overall balance of power so no one power can successfully make war on another, and this means as well discouraging alliances,” said Jeremi to Ferdynand, Holy Roman Emperor.

“You’re concerned about Charles, Prince of Wales, and his alliance with Spain to try to retake the British Commonwealth,” said Ferdynand.

“Damn right, I am,” said Jeremi. “Spain and England are traditional enemies, and it rocks the balance.  England and the Netherlands have strong navies, which is reasonable as neither have much land for armies, and also have either long coastlines or many waterways. Spain has a strong army and a moderately strong navy. The two together must be avoided. Especially if Spain gets the idea of calling a quid pro quo of regaining what they have lost from the Spanish Netherlands with English help.”

“And Poland has a strong army and growing navy.”

“And is dedicated to using both to enforce peace,” said Jeremi. “As electors of the Holy Roman Empire now, we are more or less tied to you and your domination of the Hungarian, Bohemian and Germanic spheres.”

“It goes both ways. And we both have good alliances with Sweden.”

“So I intend to invite Charles to visit the City of Light, and keep him marvelling over the exotic nature of Warszawa, until Cromwell dies, and then send a politely worded suggestion that England elect a king from those eligible in the same way Poland does, and if he’s suitable, put support and money behind Charles as a candidate.”

“It’s feasible,” said Ferdynand. “England is a country long associated with primogeniture, and accepts queens, so that would not be a problem if there is no clear male heir for the throne. Electing from those eligible seems far more sensible than primogeniture. What if Charles is not suitable?”

“He suffers an unfortunate accident,” said Jeremi.

“Well, I’m glad you haven’t lost your iron fist,” said Ferdynand. “His next brother is openly Catholic.”

“That would not do,” said Jeremi. “The English would never accept it. Better to look further afield. The younger brother... Henryk. Or his sister, Mary of Orange[1]; she’s a widow, her son could be raised to rule as Duke of Orange, whilst she ruled in England and perhaps remarried.”

“And plenty of options,” said Ferdynand.


[1] No, not that Mary of Orange, the Mary of the singular monarch WilliamandMary was the daughter of James II, Charles II’s brother who married her cousin.


  1. More political scheming...Very interesting, I wonder what they will make of Charles (and now I have Horrible History's Charles II song stuck in my head...)

    Jeremi losing the Iron Fist? Not likely but at least he learned when to relax it

    1. It would be interesting to get England electing kings, and also if they have representatives from the colonies, as the commonwealth now does, that could men no split by America...and with luck, no James II

  2. Hit post too soon: I'm sorry you have been plagued by mosquitoes - horrible little insects! The battle report was funny, but nothing in the world will ever make me like mosquitoes


    1. I am still sleeping it off a lot of the time...
