Tuesday, March 17, 2020

only a poem

yes, I'm struggling a bit. Maybe by this evening. In the meantime please enjoy a Sapphic Ode to the Covid 19

Sapphic ode to Corona Virus 19

Corona virus  sneaks unseen, unheard
Passing with cough or sneeze, or spat out word
To coyly creep into each new host’s lung
A tale unsung

The virus minions lurk in places warm
Like unwashed hands; infected faces swarm
The myriad germs in army ranks to go
Assault their foe

They colonise the host and with much glee
Use stolen DNA asexually
To reproduce and, ready for the fray
Get coughed away

Beware the careless meetings, friendly kiss
Beware the unmasked night of casual bliss!
The pox, and AIDS, Clamydia close your eyes
At CoV’s rise!