Monday, August 8, 2022

bonus post, poem


Jurij was a mariner, a wanderer, a wayfarer

He travelled far o’er land and sea, his destiny a venturer

He battled foes upon his way, to free poor souls from slavery

And never paused in righteous cause to ply his sword with bravery.


Jurij built a fleet of ships for reaving in, to buccaneer

With sun and sextant by the day, at night the stars to help him steer;

To fall upon  his foes with fire, and featly force them to obey

When he called on them to surrender, for his fleet had won the day.


He built a web of waterways, to sail the land as readily

As ever on the open seas, and brought his soldiers steadily

By speed and stealth in conquering his foes struck down by sabre bright,

To save his realm from piracy, and brigandage, and traitor’s blight.


Jurij was a Cossack and a mariner notorious

He fell upon the Ottomans and wrought his vict’ry glorious

He steered his fire-stricken ship defiantly at foeman’s fleet

And gave his life for all he loved, directing the inferno’s heat.


Jurij was a warrior, a father and a husband true

A son he was, his father’s pride, a family man, and loyal too

Beloved by all who knew him, his memory will never die

A merry man who lived his life in full, with mischief in his eye.