Thursday, August 15, 2024

I might have gotten a little distracted...

 you recall I was toying with a 1920s detective series with a detectoress from  the now vanished village of Lashbrook?  I started writing, the premise is changing slightly, my heroine is going to be the sidekick and inspiration to a Scotland Yard inspector,  himself a descendent of Jane and Caleb, whom she first calls in to investigate the murder of her sister-in-law and her brother [the other brother, not the husband of the sister-in-law.]  I did a competition on Night Cafe, the subject being 'cubism' and the dying brother paints a picture in which there are hidden clues to the murder of his sister-in-law, which he witnessed. He's wheelchair bound, having lost his legs in WW1. and I'm sorry to kill him off as he's quite a character, but the painting is a dying deposition. I'm using it on the cover stood on an easel, with other paintings on the wall and stood against the wall, one of which is a clue as well. I thought it would be fun to have the clues in the front cover! 



  1. Oh yes! Yes, yes, yes! Regards, Kim

    1. well, I've pleased you, lol... I will get back to Felicity and it is open so I may work on two at once

  2. Yes, please,

    1. I'll take that as writing two at once lol.

    2. Yes, 2 at once.
      Off topic,
      A link to an article about Dhaka muslin on BBC future.
      and a link to a blog on regency history,
      you probably have these,

    3. right. I better be busy lol
      I've seen the BBC one, I'm pretty sure. Yes, that's a good vehicular guide! thanks for sharing.

  3. Like! Especially that cover - reminds me a bit of the Nude Decending a Staircase painting parody I saw once where she trips over a cat halfway down. :)

    1. My prompt was 'cubist painting in the style of Marcel Duschamp, 'Nu descendant l'escalier' but the figure going upstairs. I love the idea of the parody with the cat! The wretched machine would not give me what I wanted, but what it gave me with this was a solid idea-sparker.

    2. My prompt was 'cubist painting in the style of Marcel Duschamp, 'Nu descendant l'escalier' but the figure going upstairs. I love the idea of the parody with the cat! The wretched machine would not give me what I wanted, but what it gave me with this was a solid idea-sparker.
