Tuesday, March 5, 2024

fan art for Simon

 So, there's this lovely bloke called Seamus, aka Eshtan, find him here: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/u/Seamus_H_7 who read 'The Unexpected Demon' and has created some fan art - he posted the slight bishes as well as the near perfect one.  

isn't it gorgeous? it encapsulates that love at first sight thing.  Eshtan has made Simon a present of these pics, because he's a very generous guy - only I am not sure that I could expand this for the paramaters of a book cover.  I did my own messing about [I'll show you presently] but Simon and I were deeply touched. 


I love his surprise in this one!

this one very much encapsulates Chessina's essential innocence and air of being untouched by the evil she has lived with.

AI has a tendency to mess with the descriptions of two people - giving Castamir red eyes in several, and here, giving him tiny horns all over his head. In a way, the poses in this one are the best though.


So, I tried to come up with something in the 9:16 format, which is close and takes least sodding about, but in the end, I picked one of Castamir I was working on for the evil elves [and this has stimulated Simon no end, he was sitting up in bed with pencil and notebook scribbling]  so I thank Eshtan for that too! 

Anyway, this is what I did:

took this, airbrushed out birds and rocks, so I could make a whole background grey

made some swirling smoke

got a Chessina I liked - funnily enough the free engine did this better. When I had her enlarged I used another image to touch up her face and another to add a raised hand 

I regret there's no eye contact, but we can see both faces, she's looking around in confusion and fear and Castamir is in a slightly bemused state   

Anyway, I have an image or two which might prove useful, and a heap that probably won't, AI hates combining two people in an image if not actually romantically involved in the pic.

Go give Seamus's work a look - I'm on the same site as CardinalBiggles https://creator.nightcafe.studio/game/V03Yu5YPIR8P9CMqG4Ub/entry/Q1foNFUA9WfCyBaJK3kD?ru=CardinalBiggles

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