Monday, December 25, 2023

Quester Christmas bonus, images.


bear in mind this is a mercator projection so the poles look disproportionately large, but the former south pole is a massive lump of land. The premise is a rise of some 350 feet, and yes, I know that the melting of all the ice would only cause a rise of 65 feet but this is fiction, and the land sank as well because of reasons. And it's my world and I'll break it if I want to. 

Quester, feeling overdressed in official robes.


  1. > the land sank as well because of reasons.

    "Because you are the author and you said so" is always a valid reason 😁

    Thank you for the map and Quester's picture! He looks great!

    Lilya Laurel

    1. Although earth under ice should rise because of being relieved of the weight, I have heard a theory that it would settle back heavily causing shock waves which make the crust more porous and causing more land sinkage. it's probably tripe but this is the level I wanted it...

      I confess, I could get lazy and use AI a lot for covers.

    2. oh, and yes, I redistributed the continents a bit, some continental drift and the same shock wave.
