Saturday, July 9, 2022

bloody machine!

 ok, so  I understand commenting has occasioned error messages; and I just found 3 comments awaiting moderation which it did not bother to notify me about.

I hate technology.

Poke me by email if you've commented and I haven't replied cos it  got lost; plainly I will have to check unmoderated comments more often. 

*&£$!!!!***!!! machine


  1. How annoying for you, I'm afraid I can't remember whether I'd commented or not as the last few days have been rather busy. I'm very much enjoying the story though and am interested in what Jane's parents are going to say and how she'll manage to communicate with them. Mary D

    1. Thanks! It's all part, I suspect, of 'improving' the side. Glad you are enjoying. Jane is going to have to get a letter to British forces when it will go via the post office
