Saturday, December 4, 2021

Some artwork

 So I have been doing some internal artwork because I am struggling with a segue in Falcon and King...

To do Jeremi I worked from an extant painting as well as pics of Andrzej Seweryn in the role in the film. I was quite pleased at how much of a resemblance there was between him and Jurko.  I wanted Helena much younger of course, and deviated from the film version.


  1. I love in the drawing of the three of them that Jeremi has very calculating eyes and Jurko has laughing eyes <3

    1. yes! Just what I wanted to convey... later I want to do one of them together, both laughing

  2. ....*now* I see where Jurko gets it from. ( but only in your version. I refuse to acknowledgeanything of the sort in any other version, real life included)

    Jurko is swoon-worthy (please tell Helena to put down her sabre)

    She looks so vibrant!


    1. Jeremi was undoubtedly a military genius and with that ascetic and austere look... I'm beginning to wonder how much Jeremi has been vilified for modern tastes - he was not a pleasant man but my researches have poked out a lot about him.

      Helena says look all you want but no touching.

      thank you! What I wanted...

  3. Thank you for Jedrek's Daughter and Dance of Locution am trying to keep them for my Christmas reading. i do not think I will succeed. Hope you and your family have a Happy Christmas and you are feeling better.J

    1. Many thanks! I hadn't put a launch notice because I am having issues with the pb cover of Dance of Locution.
      I was thinking of posting 'The Falcon and the King' over the holiday period as holiday reading

    2. Thanks for publishing these two. Got them yesterday and have already failed to keep them for Christmas reading!

    3. Now I'm rolling on the floor laughing - and am also flattered that you can't resist!
