Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I won an award!

I submitted 'The Valiant Viscount 'to the Jane Austen Readers.... and this is the wonderful editorial review!

Editorial Review:

A gentleman’s fortune is subject to the property he owns and its asset value. Poor Lucius, Viscount Rokemore’s inheritance is somewhat dilapidated. Unfortunately all avenues of raising a loan are exhausted. The humiliating prospect of a convenient marriage to a rich heiress is for Rokemore an outrageous proposition. As an alternative he turns to a sporting pastime with great hopes of quadrupling his finances. A strict training regime takes priority. With triumphal victories guineas fall from heaven. In the meanwhile, his gallant nature proves extremely fortunate and results in a charmingly romantic affair, itself incurring unforeseen danger. But Rokemore is a true knight in a frockcoat, and with wonderful sense of historical atmosphere, the author needles a well written, well-researched tapestry of one man’s sheer determination to rebuild his ailing estate and owe not a penny to a living soul. Therefore it is a great pleasure to bestow a Georgian Award to Sarah Waldock, for The Valiant Viscount.


  1. Wonderful news and very deserving! Congratulations Sarah!!

  2. Congratulations! I truly enjoy all your work, you deserve the award!

  3. Congratulations, well deserved. Thank you for so many wonderful stories.

  4. thank you! I am now updating my cover and putting the editorial inside ....

  5. Very many congratulations! What a splendid start to 2019 and very well deserved. It is an excellent story, a little out of the ordinary and fully meriting this “Gold Star”. Well done.

    1. thank you! I hope it's the start of good things for the year... my husband thinks it's the best thing I've written

  6. That's great news! Congratulations - you deserve it!

    1. Many thanks on both counts! It'll be on the front of the book as soon as I can sort matters out
