Wednesday, July 18, 2018

prayers please?

I am bringing forward the release of 'Daisy's Destiny' [which is on the DWG boards] so I can have a  dedication in it to my friend, Cathy Weider, who is dying of two rare sorts of cancer in California.  Cathy is a gardener who loves her roses, and a life-long lover of King Charles spaniels.  'Daisy' doesn't have more than a mention of Julian's aunt's spaniels, but it was the best I could do. She has recently lost one of her beloved dogs, and the other is ill. Cathy is a Jew, but I know she welcomes prayers and good wishes from anyone, she's a very ecumenical and generous lady who deserves better than the pain she is going through.  She is the bravest lady I know.


  1. My deepest sympathies to your friend - and to you also, because seeing a loved one suffer is hard.

    I will remember her in my prayers.

    1. Many thanks, I appreciate it. We met over a shared love of Georgette Heyer!

  2. She is and will continue to be in my prayers as will her family, friends, and care givers. Baruch Hashem G-d Bless.
