Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Patchwork quilt

 I had a few requests for a photo of the patchwork quilt finished; I just finished the wadding and backing. I like crazy patchwork to use up odd bits, and because a panel can be picked up and put down in waiting rooms and so on, or if I don't feel well enough to do more than a few minutes at a time. No templates, just arrange the pieces until they please. 

next project will be pinks and greens.

... and I'm snuggled under it whilst it chucks it down with rain

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

sonnet on the dismantling of the soviet symbols on the Ukranian motherland statue.

 The Ukranians decided to raise some figurative fingers at Russia by removing the hammer and sickle from their statue, and it inspired me to write this. I didn't know it was going to be a sonnet when it started out, but it made its choice and shaped itself. 

Sonnet on the Soviet symbols


The hammer and the sickle, the symbol of the serf

Who pretend to bring their 'freedoms' to other people's turf

And to spread the worker's hell-hole to bring free people down

To change the happy faces to a universal frown.


They spread misery like rubbish, because they cannot bear

To see others who are better off, who laugh out loud, and dare

To enjoy a better lifestyle through their own hard work and toil

So they bring their crushing boot to bear on other people’s soil.


The hammer and the sickle, a symbol of the state

It expresses the oppression of a hating, hateful state.

It expresses how the people are hammered into place,

Or scythed off at the knees if they dare discontent’s face.


The hammer and the sickle, the goose-stepping  jackboot

Should be consigned to history for freedom to take root.