Sunday, July 22, 2018

Charity School, Daisy published and projected stories

 'Daisy's Destiny'  is now published!  So is my book of poems, both available as paperbacks or kindle.

I have long had planned 'Philippa's Phaeton' and 'Felicity's Fashions' with regard to the Goyder twins, and set up Philippa to go as a temporary governess to Lionel, from the Fantasia on a House Party story, when his sister-in-law dies, and he needs someone to take on the children.  Philippa has fun with children and selected animals until Philip, the oldest, is very ill, and only his uncle Lion will do for him as he has a guilty conscience and needs to confess, and it is making him feverish; dressed in male clothing, Philippa drives to London to get Lionel

Felicity will probably find her story written first. 

Felicity sets herself up as Madame Felice, with a loan from Elinor, and finds that her clientele includes a rather demanding mistress.  Mistress has tantrum over something, and rips a gown Felicity has laboured over, and says 'it doesn't matter, Lord X will pay for it.'  Lord X has seen the look in Felicity's eyes, and tells mistress this is the last gown he will pay for and she may consider it her parting gift.  Felicity manages to save the gown by cutting it down as he has a young sister who also needs a chaperone.

OK, so much for the twins.
Julia has gone off to be a governess to the 5 little 'belles' in Libby's Luck, and did not consider their father good husband material.  She has had bad experiences with men, so shall I leave her be, or find her a suitor who overcomes her fears?

I was thinking of providing Augusta, Lady Herongate [Julian Nettleby's great aunt] with a companion for the orphanage to walk her two king charles spaniels, and I was considering Penelope.  If Daisy and Julian visit regularly, there's St Clair Wincanton as a possible beau.

Meanwhile Hermione Driscoll has a brother in the navy, who could return as a passed lieutenant, possibly with prize money, and be available for one of the girls, my initial thought is Lily. 

Any thoughts?


  1. Thank you for publishing ‘Daisy’ although I’m very sorry for the circumstances that led you to bringing publication forward. I have only recently managed to track down your novels on Dwiggie and have been rationing my story consumption. It will be nice to read the book in more or less one sitting.

    Incidentally I have often wondered, which is more advantageous to an author, outright purchase of a Kindle book or (repeated) borrowings on Kindle Unlimited?

    I like the sound of your plans for the twins, particularly Philippa. As I haven’t ventured into Libby’s adventures yet I have no suggestions about the other girls. Nick Driscoll ‘on the beach’ might be a more interesting prospect, perhaps able to pursue a career in whatever he wanted to be before his parents untimely deaths forced him into the Navy, than a seagoing officer, absent for months or years at a time with a wife dependent on the vagaries of the Navy Pay Office! I’m sure you will have it all worked out beautifully.

    1. Sorry it took you a while to track down, I would have linked you!

      I make most of my income from borrowing on KU, but i know that it's not economically advantageous to all readers.

      Libby is also on DWG until it gradually disappears. I haven't thought a lot about Nick Driscoll yet, though I suspect he won't be beached for a while!

    2. DWG has taken down all my content now, because it's given me no end of hassle with create space

    3. I’ll be very sorry to miss my additional ‘fix’ of your stories but I do sympathise. Life is too short to wrestle with recalcitrant IT systems!
      Any chance of Libby turning up here sometime if the muse is otherwise a little slow?!

    4. Just finished proofing Libby so I'm going to be publishing shortly ... sorry
      I have been writing a little on William Price. Oh, and I can post the short story I wrote when a plot bunny bit me

    5. That makes me, and I’m sure many others, a happy bunny!

    6. I was leaving a couple of weeks between to give people a chance to read Daisy but I can hurry up doing the changes and bring it forward a little .

    7. Now we know it is coming, we can enjoy the anticipation of whatever timescale suits you!

    8. And I apologise for not pushing on with William, but I cannot really put myself in the Orkney Islands at Scapa Flow in this heat. It just isn't happening. On the up side, I've picked up Bess and the Dragons again so as I'm a goodly way in to that, I'll hope to post that here until I run out of steam

  2. Is there any chance Nick Driscoll could appear in William's story?

    I'm also looking forward to stories about the twins :D I think it would be nice to leave Julia alone to be happy, rather than having to be fixed by a relationship! But it could be fun to have some stories about the belles and how she manages to discipline them, and perhaps some adventures for them.

    1. That's an interesting idea. I'll have to think about that, William is 3 years ahead of where I am currently with the Charity School, and I think I may need to write a CS story with Nick to find out about him.

      I am currently thinking of having an epistolary which is between Julia and Penelope, as they have a history of correspondence, in which we find out about the belles, as well as Penelope's meeting of Daisy, Julian and their friends.

  3. I love the sound of these, especially the twins. Also, to change series, please can you clarify the status of Felicia - Toll the Dead Man's bells. I see in Fantasia it is listed but without wip or coming soon beside it. Have I missed something? The Felicia books are amongst my favourites & a rare treat to myself as physical books. Thank you. Kim

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry, typos.

      I really like all of these story ideas. I would like to see Julia able to overcome her fears, but I also think she would want to be a teacher at the school after she is done being a governess.

      On a different topic, what sources did you use for your research on hysteria? I'm trying to get some good sources on Regency and (pre-freudian) Victorian era hysteria, but most of what I've found is pretty general for 1800-1900.

      Thanks for posting your stories,


    2. I am inclined to agree about Julia!

      I found very little on hysteria, so I worked on the principle that the dastardly doctor made up his own plausible theory to cover his activities and only promulgated it in Bath, knowing that it would be ridiculed by any true doctor. There were plenty of quacks out there, and so far as I can see, one of the main treatments was Welch's female pills for all female ailments [the thinly disguised abortifacient pills which may even have helped people with period pain]. A Mrs White offered similar, Vegetable Syrup of De Velnos supposedly cured just about everything except death, like Dr Sibly's Solar Tincture and the patent Balm of Gilead. Most of the cure-alls sound to me as though they were probably coloured and flavoured gin. I've used the British Newspapers Online for most of my research on that score, having found little enough otherwise.

    3. it's possible to get a cheap short-term research licence from them, covering a week for a single intensive search; I pay a yearly subscription because I use them all the time for background, as well as my ongoing serious research into the weather.


  5. Count another vote for Julia at least taking some time to herself - though, not having met her “on page”, it’s hard to decide.
    I can’t wait to meet her properly, and all the other new girls. Will we get to hear about the case against her stepfather, too?

    I loved Daisy - that answered all my questions about Mrs. Ellis and more! I loved their interactions.

    Felicity and Philippa’s stories sound interesting - I honestly look forward to anything you’ll decide to write

    1. I wrote a long and detailed reply and my cursor threw a hissy fit and deleted it irretrievably.

      Julia appears extensively in Libby's Luck, and is instrumental in working with Libby to escape a villain. Her presence is much in the form of letters to her friend Penelope, so that is a format I am considering for the next.

      I plan to have Libby out by next weekend; I have three books which my lovely hubby has proofed for me waiting for the corrections to be done, piled on my desk with the paper with proof marks on it in the front covers. The other two are 'Toll the dead man's bells' the next Felicia and Robin book and 'The Armitage Chronicles'.

      Julia's stepfather is a problem. So far as I can gather, the crime of unlawful seduction of a minor depended in its punishment very much on the social class of the minor and the relative influence of the defendant and the child's guardian. Dr Mac got him gaoled, but I suspect with having taken control of the family money he could afford a private room to avoid Graham arranging to let prisoners with daughters know what sort of man he is. Alas, English law is always harsher in crimes against property than in crimes against people. When he comes out, I might have him sought out and run through by Hermione's brother; he will abandon Julia's mother, of course, to seek another widow with a teenage daughter because this is how such predators operate. Julia's mother is likely to turn up at Swanley, whining that he done her wrong, and I really cannot see Elinor and Graham feeling any sympathy, can you?
